Saturday, March 8, 2008

Arrival in Addis Ababa

Monday 18 Feb - Debre Libanos to Addis Ababa - 100 km with a 10 km convoy into Addis Ababa at the finish.

Immediately up-hill from the start. Ursula's turn to pick up some sort of bug and she opted to ride the truck after starting out in the morning - we're discovering that this is the smart thing to do. Amongst the group, many are suffering various ailments - to some degree, we are all run down from five weeks of continual physical, mental, and psychological demand. We're close to 10,000 feet altitude and like runners after a marathon, immune systems are low. Rae rides to lunch, then also rides the truck to the Hotel Guenet where we will have two rest days in Addis Ababa. It is the end of a stage of the Tour, so we bid farewell to a couple of Toronto riders, Mike and Eric.

Haystacks in the shape of pyramids - completely different from any other haystack we've seen in Ethiopia.

The countryside is reminiscent of southern Alberta.

A modern hotel about 50 km outside Addis Ababa - the proprietor formerly an aeronautical engineer with Boeing - so many of the facilities we have seen have been allowed to run down - hopefully there can be more of this to attract foreign tourism and elevate the standard of living here.

Another surprise - there are public fussball and ping-pong tables in every town.

Addis Ababa must be nearby....

We assemble for the convoy into Addis Ababa

Convoy into Addis Ababa

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