Saturday, March 8, 2008

Addis Ababa to Arba Minch

21-24 February - Addis Ababa to Arba Minch - four riding days before a rest day in Arba Minch as we continue to press south in Ethiopia. The route is new to Tour d'Afrique - it takes us on less travelled roads rather than the main road to Moyale on the Kenyan border. It also takes a day longer than the original schedule, possible this year because of the decision not to ride through Kenya.

Convoy out of Addis Ababa on Thursday 21st.

The route is lined with these tiny stores. This is the way business is done here.

Small shops with lots of fresh fruit.

And here some fresh meat

Four days of hilly countryside - there is no flat land in Ethiopia.

Some really long hills, some that need the granny gear. Some steep descents - dangerous too.

A few stretches of dirt road and water hazards for the trucks.

.... and Ursula and other riders...

Dirt roads mean dust. Good that the dust is the same colour as our tans or we'd look absolutely filthy dirty. We finally get a shower at Arba Minch. Afternoons are hot and the sun really intense. Leaving Addis, the land seems even drier than before.

Less grain-growing as we go south.

Cattle are used to trample the grain and separate the grain from the stalk. There's a word for that but it escapes me.

More trees and scrub land. Then some banana-growing and cotton.

Along the way, the young look after the younger.

They ham it up for the camera in Hosaina.

Watching us eat lunch is this youngster sporting a Basel Football Club jersey - who would expect to find a Swiss football fan in the middle of the Ethiopian countryside.

Village streets are always full of people.

Most walk long distances every day to bring things to market. For heavy or bulky stuff, they make their own wheelbarrows.

And there is always some kind of productive activity along the main street as people prepare things for market.

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