Friday, May 16, 2008


Saturday May 10th - end of the journey

0530 - wake up and crawl out of the tent in the dark for the last time. Luckily there was a dry breeze overnight so the inside of the fly is dry and we can roll up the tent and not open it until we get it back to Canada.

Breakfast in the dark and as soon as it's light, start the final leg. 65 km to Kleeft Bay where we assemble for photos and then a police-escorted 25-km convoy along the coast to Cape Town, through the town centre, finally arriving at the waterfront for the arrival ceremonies.

We rode with Henk and Louisa...

...and had one last tea/coffee/coke stop about 5 km short of lunch in a cafe that is worlds different from the roadside stops at the beginning of the journey.

Then the photos... the entire group...


...Tour d'Afrique and African Routes staff.

Hero shot of the two of us...



...then a bit of a cold wait - it was cool and windy - for the convoy into town. Nice tailwind when we got going, and soon we passed beneath the finish banner at the waterfront.

A bit later the closing ceremony took place at the amphitheatre.

Dinner that night seemed rather anti-climactic. We all knew the adventure itself was over. We all had thoughts that were beginning to return to whatever 'real' world was relevant to us. I suspect that many of us had barely begun what will likely be an extended process of consolidating and digesting all that we'd experienced in the last four months. Some goodbyes were said that night, others the following morning at the hotel.

So, faithful blog-watchers, this amazing journey is over. Thanks for sharing our adventure with us. You can still support Rae's fundraising for the Canadian Arthritis Society at

or Ursula's - the Tour d'Afrique foundation: .

We will spend almost two weeks in Cape Town being tourists before returning to Canada, but his is the end of the blog story except that when we get back to Canada, we will add some more reflections, 'lessons-learned' and thoughts that might be useful for someone contemplating taking part in a future Tour d'Afrique. If that is you, then check back periodically and see if we've posted something new. Alternatively, leave a comment with your email address and we'll get back to you when we're back in Canada in June.


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, my e-mail when you get back, is:

When I do one of my semi-annual vists south of here, June 9 to 12,
maybe we can get together after 43years !


Echo Farm said...

Congradulations.. Your photos are remarkable.

Chris Moore